
Enforcement of international trade regimes between the European Union (EU) and the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR)?

Foreign Direct Investment as the object of free trade negotiations: Between investors' rights, development and human rights




Chapter 1:
The European Union (EU) and the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR)
1.1 Negotiations of the “Interregional Association Agreement between the EU and MERCOSUR
1.2 Trade -Development?
1.3 Trade – Development – Human Rights?
Chapter 2:
Foreign direct investment as the object of international trade regime
2.1 Foreign direct investment: An opportunity for development and human rights?
2.2 International Agreements and Treaties on Investment
2.3 The World Trade Organization WTO
2.3.1 WTO rules
2.3.2 The TRIMs agreement
2.3.3 The GATS agreement
2.3.4 The Relationships of “Trade and Investment?
2.4 Investment “protection? in international treaties
Chapter 3:
European foreign investment in Latin America and MERCOSUR:
An opportunity for development and human rights?
3.1 European foreign investment in Latin America and geo-strategical trade competition
3.2 European foreign investment in MERCOSUR
Chapter 4:
The free trade agreement between EU and MERCOSUR: The case of Brazil
4. 1 The free trade agreement between EU and MERCOSUR: Interests of companies, lobby groups and
governments – The case of Brazil
4.2 The example of Brazil: Foreign direct investment without BITs and FTAs
4.3 Brazil, foreign direct investment in GATS-2000 and the demands of the European Commission
Chapter 5:
The enforcement of international trade regimes:
The case of the free trade negotiations between EU and MERCOSUR
5.1 Foreign direct investment in bilateral investment treaties, regional free trade agreements
and WTO agreements and its interaction with sectoral and horizontal topics under the rules
of global free trade
5.2 The case of Chile: Foreign investment regulation in the association agreement EU – Chile
and its interaction with BITs and WTO rules
5.3 The EU-MERCOSUR association agreement: The deregulation of national markets through
the regulation of international markets?
List of abbreviations


Translated by Jan Stehle, ed. FDCL-Verlag, Berlin, 2004

This document was elaborated within the framework of the cooperation-project „Handel-Entwicklung-Menschenrechte“ [„Trade-Development-Human Rights“] of the Heinrich Böll Foundation (hbs) and the Center for Investigation and Documentation Chile-Latin-America (Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika (FDCL)). More information at:
This publication was made possible through the financial support of the European Community. The opinions expressed therein represent the opinion of the author and do not represent the official opinion of the European Community.